Alcohol Respiratory Care Someone You Know Has Vomited While In An Alcohol-induced Sleep?

Someone you know has vomited while in an alcohol-induced sleep? - alcohol respiratory care

Recommend to have vomited while in an alcohol-induced sleep, and now seems to be breathing heavily. What do you think caused it? This person is in respiratory distress?


queen_of... said...

Sounds like you could suffocate in his own vomit. If you can, t wake up and do not spit, you must first with 911

novangel... said...

Depending on the time given to him. If immediate, suffocation probably. If you have spent some time trying to aspiration pneumonia, is more likely. Chemicals, particularly acid in the stomach contents can trigger a strong inflammatory response. Finally, we must consider the causes unrelated to vomiting. As the person who fractured ribs, while drunk and with a pneumothorax, or simply as a response to pain has not detected? Is that an asthmatic who is not the drug before bedtime?

Respiratory distress is obvious outward physical collapse or breathing, so by definition.

smileche... said...

Alcohol contains ethanol, the degradation of methanol to formaldehyde which is toxic, inhibiting. Thus, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH breaks) down alcohol into harmless byproducts. If you consume too much alcohol, ADH can not be continued if a person is sick, not responding, and the body by trying to get rid of alcohol, vomiting.

Another big problem with excessive consumption of alcohol is that alcohol inhibits the anti-dieretic hormone. This hormone is used to keep more water in the body and not to evade the body in urine. This means that we will be very dehydrated. The problem is that the water is what is needed, but mostly we come to more alcohol to quench thirst. This is also true, why is a very bad decision for someone to "sleep" because it does not take water while
Sleep, the permanent damage and can lead to death.

Also, people have different amounts of alcohol dehydrogenase, which is one reason why the bodies of some people tolerate more alcohol before they got sick.

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